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Fitness stock photos and royalty free images

Fitness is a culture unto itself. Its devotees think about fitness every day, even when they aren't actively exercising or working out. We see depictions of recreation fitness in every TV show or movie we watch, and it's even in the casual clothing we wear on weekends to get out of our khakis and suits and move around. Fitness is big business, so there is a prominent graphic design world to support it. Scroll down, and you can explore our curated collection of professional-grade fitness images and photos from contributors all over the world.

About fitness royalty-free images and photos

Because fitness is such an important part of so many people's lives, there are photos and images depicting all aspects of the fitness world. Fitness backgrounds, fitness logos, home workouts, gym workouts, breathing exercises, and stretching exercises — we see all of these in advertisements for gym equipment, fitness training, sports drinks, supplements, services, and more. From gym backgrounds and gym logos to plank exercises and chest workouts, there are photos, images, illustrations, vectors, and more detailing every heart-pounding moment of the all-important workout.

Trending fitness images and photos

Trending fitness image #1
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Trending fitness image #8

Questions about fitness images and backgrounds

What is fitness?

Fitness refers to physical health and stamina. We all have different levels of fitness based on genetics, exercise, environment, diet, and other factors. Fitness as a way of life means prioritizing workouts, diets, and lifestyle in order to make oneself stronger and healthier. Fitness is also deeply connected with the fashion, beauty, and entertainment industries, where depictions of things like a "fitness man" or a "fitness woman" play critical roles in marketing and development. We even see things like fitness equipment in our humor — often, unused fitness equipment is a part of jokes about being lazy, breaking resolutions, or otherwise bucking the fitness system. Things like fitness gyms also play into many people's romantic lives. Like-minded fitness enthusiasts often meet each other in gyms, and many people use fitness to improve their self-image and feel more attractive.

What are fitness and workout images?

Fitness and workout images depict, in whole or in part, elements of the fitness culture and industry. This usually means images of full-body workouts, yoga, stretching, running, lifting weights, playing sports, jogging, and more. These images might be full-resolution action photos, or they might be simple icons and sports vectors. Different design projects and marketing campaigns need different types of images, depending on how they want to portray fitness. If the idea is to make fitness feel approachable and unintimidating, illustrations and icons are a great way to demystify fitness culture. If the design is to be inspiring and challenging, you might see high-contrast photography of fitness enthusiasts pushing themselves to the limit. Each type of image has its place in the marketing and content worlds surrounding fitness culture.

What makes fitness images engaging?

Fitness images can be engaging for different reasons — it depends on which audience you're speaking to. If you're speaking directly to fitness enthusiasts who make exercising and working out a regular part of their lives, then photos that are challenging and inspiring are highly engaging. These fitness enthusiasts want to be able to do what they see pictured, so showing them feats of strength they can aspire to is a good way to capture and hold their attention. People who are new to the fitness world may be more intimidated by these photos, so they'll find illustrations, icons, and vectors more engaging. These light-hearted design elements don't downplay the importance of fitness, but they do soften its edges and make it a bit more approachable. Your projects should speak to a specific fitness audience, and you can use the traits of that audience to customize the elements in your design.

How to tell stories with fitness pictures?

Telling stories with fitness pictures is all about the people. Sure, fitness equipment, apparel, and facilities can be interesting, but as inert objects, they don't tell stories. People tell stories. Your images should showcase people pushing their physical limits, breaking through challenges, persevering, and improving their lives. When you can show people working hard but feeling good, you're telling the fitness story — how it works, and how it helps people. There are many different types of people on the fitness journey, so telling good stories is all about inclusivity. Showcase as many different types of people, of all shapes and sizes, to make sure you're appealing to the widest audience possible. Maintaining fitness is hard work, so staying authentic in your image selections is a good way to demonstrate that you (or your brand) know this and take the fitness culture seriously.

How to find high-quality fitness images?

Finding high-quality, authentic fitness images is easy. First, you can simply scroll down to the collection we've curated below. It features our favorite fitness images from the Shutterstock library. But if you have something more specific in mind, type your search terms into the box labeled "Search for images" at the top of this page. When you get your results, you can filter them using the options on the left side of the page. Experiment with settings like orientation, image type, and color scheme. If you have a specific image in mind, and you'd like to find something similar, click on "Search by images" on the homepage. Upload your file, and the Shutterstock A.I. will explore the library and return similar compositions.

Browse fitness images

How to use fitness images creatively

Using fitness-related images for gym marketing Fitness images are no-brainers for gyms. These designs can showcase the world that awaits people who sign up with a gym and work out regularly. If your gym appeals to a broad range of fitness enthusiasts, be sure the images you choose aren't too intimidating. You want your newer members to feel welcomed and inspired. Showcasing images of people working hard and looking good are sure to get the attention of anyone trying to get in shape. If you have more advanced trainers in your gym, you can choose more extreme images that show people at the limits of their physical endurance, pushing through limitations and overcoming the challenges of advanced fitness regimens. Whichever level of fitness enthusiasts you're targeting, try to be diverse in your image selections. People respond better to flyers and other marketing materials when they see people who look similar to them. Using fitness imagery on websites Fitness images are great for websites because, unlike sitting still and browsing a site, they encourage getting up and moving around. Perhaps ironically, this improves the site browsing experience. Anyone who is considering a fitness regimen is going to want to see images of other people working out — we tend to want to do what we see others doing. Using fitness images on your website can either encourage people to pursue fitness or inspire them to excel in other areas of their life (like, for example, their jobs). Fitness is about pushing through limitations, which can mean anything from lifting heavier weights to developing new ideas along your career path. Choose images that show people working out and looking good while doing it. Appearance is a motivator for many people who prioritize fitness in their lifestyle, so when visitors see other people who look good working out, they're more inclined to stick around and see what else you have to say about it. Using fitness photos in print Fitness is a great metaphor for overcoming challenges. On the surface, it seems like it's just about working out. However, seeing images of people pushing physical limitations and breaking through is inspiring. Not only can it make marketing audiences consider the fitness lifestyle, it can also appeal to their sense of success in general. Images of people are one of the best sources of visual stories — you can see it in the facial expression, the muscle tone, and the physical stance. Smoldering gazes, sweating brows, and powerful gestures all say "Work for it, and get it!" People feel good when hard work pays off, so if your print marketing materials can make that promise, then your campaign will find more success. Go big with strong contrast, powerful color schemes, and bold movement in your fitness marketing images.

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