CIRCA 1900s - The Wright Brothers perform the first manned airplane flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolia, aviation milestone.
1940s - Depicts the German invasion of Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France, as well as the evacuation British forces at Dunkirk.
CIRCA 1950s - The first ever flying mattress or balloon plane takes flight in 1955 in England.
CIRCA 1930s - Besler's steam powered airplane is demonstrated
CIRCA 1910s - Airplanes are built in a factory in 1917 and then tested in flight.
CIRCA 1930s - Andrei Nikolayevich Tupolev watches the maiden flight of the Tupolev Tu-144 jet airliner in Russia in 1968.
CIRCA 1934 - When a Navy pilot on an Antarctic expedition is wounded in a plane crash, he is able to contact his mother in New York.


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Stock-Video ID: 1021216222

CIRCA 1900s - Various flying machines are tested and accidents are shown and Orville and Wilbur Wright fly an airplane at Kitty Hawk.

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