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Outdoor activities stock photos and royalty free images

Outdoor activities are among the most popular pastimes around the globe. From biking, sailing, and kayaking to cooking, sleeping, and relaxing, people love to spend their time outdoors with families, friends, and loved ones. If you need images of outdoor activities, Shutterstock's curated collection of images from designers all over the world has you covered. Simply scroll down, and you can explore some of our favorite outdoor activities images.

About outdoor activities images

Images with outdoor activities cover the full range of images and image types related to relaxing, exercising, and socializing outside. Whether you need outdoor backgrounds and outdoor slogans or images of a happy family outdoors, there are photos, vectors, logos, and other designs perfect for your project that are just waiting in the Shutterstock collection. We've got images of outdoor dining, outdoor fitness, outdoor games, and outdoor concerts. Outdoor living means outdoor eating, outdoor exercise, and outdoor parties. Searching for the perfect outdoor activities image is easy, and you can filter your results to narrow your search down to that perfect, one-of-a-kind image.

Trending outdoor activities images and backgrounds

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Questions about outdoor activities images and backgrounds

What are outdoor activities?

Outdoor activities are, essentially, any activity that takes place outside. It doesn't have to necessarily be out in the natural elements — outdoor activities take place in cities and parks every day. However, outdoor activities are, by nature, outdoors. These activities typically require more space than indoor sports or activities, and they can range from outdoor workouts to spending time with family outdoors. Any sport played outside is an outdoor activity, as are wider-ranging activities like hiking, biking, sailing, ziplining, or even bungee jumping. At Shutterstock, we define outdoor activities as loosely as we can, so you'll find the widest range of images possible when you search our library for your creative design projects. We've collected images of outdoor activities from all around the world, so take a look, and explore the possibilities.

What are images with outdoor activities?

Images with outdoor activities are photographs, images, logos, vectors, and other designs that capture the spirit of being outdoors. You might use these images to brand outdoor organizations, illustrate presentations featuring outdoor activities, or help fill out a social media campaign with authentic imagery. Images with outdoor activities can feature only one person or object, or they can capture thousands at an outdoor event. What they have in common is the outdoors, and what it means in the lives of those like to spend as much time as possible out of the house and under the sky. Whether it's sports, exploration, exercise, dining, or just spending time with family outdoors, if the image captures the spirit of these activities, then it's an image with outdoor activities.

How to choose engaging outdoor visuals?

Engaging outdoor visuals are all about relatability. Can the viewer see themselves or their own family in the activity in the image? Is the activity in the image exciting, entertaining, or relaxing? If so, viewers can project themselves into the idea and engage with the visual. If the outdoor activity is unpleasant, then viewers are likely to disengage and move on. Look for a variety of outdoor activities enjoyed by all kinds of different people in order to create the most widely appealing visuals possible. Narrowing your image choice to only one activity or one type of person will narrow your audience considerably. Bright colors, bold lines, and exciting points of view all help viewers engage with outdoor activities images.

How to find high-quality images with outdoor activities?

Finding high-quality images with outdoor activities is easy here at Shutterstock. First and foremost, you can simply scroll down to see our curated collection of outdoor activities images. If you don't see what you're looking for there, type your search query (or queries) into the white box labeled "Search for images." When you get your results, you can use the filters on the left side of the screen to narrow down your options. You can specify image type, orientation, color scheme, and more. Alternatively, if you already have an image, and you'd like to find a similar one, you can click on "Search by image" on the Shutterstock homepage. Upload your file, and Shutterstock's A.I. will scour our library for similar compositions.

What’s the best season for outdoor activity photos?

The best season for outdoor activity photos depends on the activity in question. If you're looking for images capturing snow skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating, these occur during snowy seasons like late fall, winter, or early spring. If you want water sports, sunbathing, or beach volleyball, then you'll want images captured or created in the summer. Camping, campfires, and hiking can take place at any time in the year, but it will depend on what you want the content of the image to communicate. Are your campers cold? Are they hiking in snow? Are people wearing shorts around the campfire? These are all questions you'll want answers for before you begin browsing for your perfect image.

Browse outdoor activities images

How to use images of outdoor activities creatively

Using outdoor images on social media Using outdoor activities images for social media is a great way to send a positive message in your campaign. Outdoor activities are generally exciting, entertaining, and unifying, so they're a great way to encourage your audience to spend time doing the things they love. Viewers like to see themselves in the content they relate to, so consider a variety of activities featuring many different kinds of people. This way, you'll appeal to the broadest audience possible. If, however, you're running a campaign that targets a very specific outdoor activity, you'll want to zero in on that topic. To capture your audience's attention in the flood of social media images in their feeds, pick an image with bold colors, strong lines, and interesting composition. Give your audience a reason to stop and see the image, and they'll likely stick around to read the copy accompanying the image. Using outdoor images in print materials Outdoor activities images for print materials are all about visibility. On a phone or a computer, images resolve almost perfectly — because they're backlit. In print materials, this isn't always the case. The type of paper (glossy vs. matte), the size of the print-out, and the environment where the viewer is seeing the image all affect how well the viewer responds. All of the images in Shutterstock's library are available at print resolution (300 dpi), so be sure you download the right size. For the best print materials experience, stick with bright images featuring strong contrasts and vivid colors (if choosing color). If images are too dark, muddy, or crowded, they may not work well in your printed medium. It's a good idea to have alternates as well, so when you're choosing your image, download a few favorites so you can swap them out if your first choice doesn't print well when you test it. Using outdoor images in marketing and promo campaigns If you're using outdoor activities images for marketing and promo campaigns, make sure that the activities you feature reflect the messaging you want attached to your brand or organization. You don't have to align exactly with the outdoor activity in the image, but you want it to speak to the spirit of what you're marketing. Whitewater rafting is a thrilling outdoor activity, for example, and you can use captivating images of it to sell inspiration, confidence, or teambuilding. Fly fishing is a meditative and solo pursuit, so you can use it to heighten a sense of individualism or privacy. Outdoor activities help us get out of the confines of our homes and offices, so imagine what your viewers would rather be doing instead of sitting around and working. Think about what you would rather be doing. Once you've tapped into the idea of a better life outdoors, you can start exploring which outdoor activities will best help you sell that idea.

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