

The color spruce is designed to emulate that of the imposing blue spruce tree. Spruce, though a deep and distinctly green hue, contains hints of blue that makes it wholly unique. Like the spruce tree which, upon first glance, looks blue, when you examine spruce paint or a spruce-hued object up close and from varying angles, you won't see just blue. Instead, you’ll find a beautiful, soothing blue-green color. Spruce, like other colors that occur in nature, evokes a sense of calm and relaxation. Because of this, incorporate spruce into areas of your home you want to feel warm, welcoming, and serene. Bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens all benefit from the color. Spruce also works well with other colors that occur in nature. Use spruce with gunmetal gray, cream, puce, and charcoal to create a coastal feel. For an earthy, woodsy vibe, use spruce with dark green, warm gold, and saturated red. Spruce paired with shades of brown, gray, silver, and deep navy can make your home feel like a sophisticated winter wonderland. If you want to create a space that is a little more light and playful, use spruce with turquoise, ginger, light orange, and red-beige. Or, for something a little more sophisticated but still lively, pair the hue with olive, lavender, mint, yellow-orange, gray brown, and almost black.


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