

The name "scarlet" comes from the French word "escarlate", medieval Latin's "scarlata", and Arabic and medieval Greek's "sigillatus", which means "decorated with small images". Despite its odd original meaning, the color itself has been used to symbolize wealth and power both politically and religiously. In fact, this color was only second to purple as a status symbol. For this reason, it is often worn by royalty and high ranking members of the Roman Catholic Church. In addition to being associated with wealth and power, scarlet is also associated with force, courage, heat, joy, and passion. Many cultures and civilizations also associate the color with immortality and sin. Scarlet is an extremely powerful color, so be careful when decorating with it. Many people choose to use the color as either an accent or a statement. For instance, if you opt to decorate with a large piece of scarlet furniture, keep the surrounding environment neutral. If you want to use it as an accent, repeat the color in small degrees throughout the room via throw pillows, artwork, and curtains. Scarlet has a strong impact in master bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, and offices. There is a reason scarlet is associated with wealth and power—it's a vivid and powerful color. For this reason, you need only use it sparingly to achieve an intense effect.


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