
Rhodamine Red

Rhodamine red is an eye-popping shade of cerise, more of a magenta than an actual red. This color is named for a synthetic dye derived from the compound xanthene. Rhodamine dyes are typically used to color clothing and other textiles. This fruit punch hue fits seamlessly with the neon brights in every major designer’s recent collection. Pair it with basic black for a pink look with an edge. We love the look of a fuchsia shell with a tailored suit. Keep it simple but on point with a structured bag, killer pumps or a flirty scarf in this indelible shade. When it comes to casual wear, nothing beats rhodamine red with worn-in denim. Need a new bold lip hue? This shade of red-violet is perfect for spring. If you think hot pink decor is best left in your teen years, think again. Rhodamine red looks quite sophisticated when used sparingly. As with your wardrobe, go with dark, moody counterpoints to keep pink from looking too sweet and youthful. Pinks are easy to incorporate when you need a pop of color in your home. Grab a fresh peony arrangement with glorious blooms for one of our favorite ways to freshen any aesthetic. Add interest to a neutral living room with throw pillows, a soft rug or even a dramatic chaise lounge.


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