
Olive Green

Olive green refers to the color of an unripe olive. This color is greener, stronger and more vibrant than standard olive and contains warm yellowish hues. Olive green is often the color of military uniforms, park ranger gear and hunting clothes. However, you may also see the color used in fall and holiday decor, as it evokes the sense of falling leaves and pine trees. Olive green pairs well with both neutrals and vibrant colors. This may be because the shade is so natural. You can pair this green with brown and enjoy a soft, subtle appearance, or you can pair it with black and achieve an understated yet more contrasting look. During the colder months, you may find the combination of olive green and vibrant red to be visually appealing. If you really want to make olive green stand out, go with a color on the opposite end of the color wheel, such as purple. Deep purples and vibrant blues automatically make the subdued color appear brighter and more vibrant than it actually is. Because olive green is such a natural color, it is often used to represent humanity, wisdom, feminism and hope. Many people construe the color to mean ""surrender,"" which is ironic, because the color is so frequently used in military and hunting clothing.


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