

Honeydew is a light, juicy pastel inspired by the lush fruit of a ripe melon. This color is created by adding white to spring green, a tertiary shade halfway between green and yellow on the color wheel. As with other shades of green, this tone’s association with nature evokes fertility, life, and rejuvenation. This pale yet bright green is just a few shades darker than white, so it’s a versatile near-neutral for your home. Try it in any room to create a refreshing, welcoming vibe and flattering glow. With its warm undertones, this melon hue looks sophisticated with shades of slate gray, and cozy and homey when paired with warm woods and shades of terracotta and burnt orange. When choosing trim for your honeydew home, go with a slightly off-white to coordinate with the yellow hues in this color. Think bone, ivory, or bisque instead of crisp snow white for a creamy, soothing effect. Create an analogous color scheme with pale buttery yellow and soft blue for tranquil appeal that calls to mind your favorite spa. Red-violet is the natural complement to pale melon green on the color wheel, so try pairing this shade with magenta or fuchsia for a contemporary look that isn’t overwhelming. Play with saturation to take this pair from light and playful to moody and baroque.


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