
Gun Metal Grey

Gun metal grey is a deep shade of grey mixed with hints of blue that brings to mind the lasting qualities of metal. Because of the image it evokes, using gun metal grey throughout the home gives occupants and visitors a sense of permanency and belonging. However, if you're not careful (or if it's your intention), gun metal grey can come across professional, serious or even aggressive. For this reason, you want to be careful with which colors you choose to pair pieces or paints in gun metal grey. The best way to temper the aggressiveness of gun metal grey is to surround it with lively, cheerful colors. Think yellow, orange, teal, blush pink and light purple. When you use gun metal grey with accents in the aforementioned colors, you can get away with using the hue in just about any space, include living rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms and even the kitchen. If dark is what you want, use the hue in excess. However, balance it out with slightly less or equal amounts of white. Incorporate metallic accents and mirrored surfaces to expand the space visually. You can also warm up gun metal grey with houseplants, warm wood tones and soft lighting. It doesn't hurt to use gun metal grey in a room that receives plenty of natural light.


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