

Although grapes come in a range of colors from pale green to brilliant red to deep purple-black, the color grape usually refers to a vivid blue-violet. Add regal appeal to your home and your wardrobe by choosing this vibrant purple hue. Violet is one of the oldest colors used by mankind and has long been associated with royalty and elegance. When used on the walls, deep purple appears serious, dramatic and formal, while a mid-toned shade provokes conversation with a relaxed, cozy vibe. Choose a cool-toned grape with more blue if your fixtures have cool undertones for a sophisticated, harmonious aesthetic. Warm purples with red undertones complement warm fixtures like dark wood and brass. Mix and match undertones for an eclectic, bohemian vibe. If grape isn’t in your closet yet, it should be. Bright colors are in vogue, and this one is more jewel-toned than neon for a look that’s modern and subtle. Amethyst looks crisp and contemporary with soft white for summer. A purple sundress or shift is appropriate for warm weather occasions. Add a pop of color with a sleek, structured clutch in this must-have hue. Purple is also an underused color in menswear, although it is increasingly popular for ties and vests to add interest to formal attire. Pump up the volume with a violet button-up, polo or even sneakers.


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