
Eggshell Blue

Eggshell blue is a delicate pale blue color that contains hints of both green and blue. The color, commonly known as robin’s egg blue, can be found in nature in the nest of the American robin. The first recorded use of eggshell blue as a color was in England in 1873. You’ll certainly see this pale blue color splashed across home décor stores around the Easter holiday, but eggshell blue can be a hue you incorporate into your home on a year-round basis. For instance, use eggshell blue on kitchen cabinets to create a light and airy environment. Keep your walls a light cream color to soften the blue. Utilize wood furniture and, if you're lucky to have a home with exposed beams, choose to keep them au natural. Carry the color theme into your main living spaces. Paint an accent wall in your living room eggshell blue, but keep any wood trim as-is. Decorate with white linens, coffee furniture, and, if you're feeling playful, turquoise accents. Pair eggshell blue with deep chocolate colored wood, marble countertops, and glass or crystal lighting for a sophisticated look. Use this combination in a kitchen or bathroom. Eggshell blue can be calming, eclectic, or sophisticated depending on how you use it. Discover your favorite ways to use this fresh color in your home.


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