
Dark Blue

Dark blue is one of the most versatile colors, able to pair with almost any scheme to produce a dynamic effect. In fact, many designers and fashionistas place deep blues from navy to midnight in the neutral category. Think of your favorite jeans or the sky just before night falls. Blue has a well-documented and storied history. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the color was prized because it so rarely appears in nature. In modern times, it’s the most common “favorite color” and has a serene, calming effect that makes it a favorite for home decor. Blue calls to mind the sea and the sky, so it’s a natural choice to create resort-inspired appeal. Dark blue is often used for uniforms, which gives it an air of authority, intelligence and integrity. For this reason, it’s a popular color for companies to use in their logos and official palettes. Navy blue, which is just a shade lighter than black, is a smart wardrobe choice for women who want to exude sophistication without the sometimes-harsh effect of black. Pair dark blue in your wardrobe with other shades of blue for a cool and casual monochromatic look. With a pop of pink, it looks modern and fresh.


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