
Coral Blue

Coral blue is a blue-green color that, depending on what shade of the color you're looking at, contains either more or less blue or green than traditional teal. Coral blue gets its name from the blue coral, which contains blue and gray polyps within its skeleton. Coral blue, like other shades of light blue, teal and turquoise, is a soothing color that looks great in many settings. Coral blue works well with several different colors. For a more feminine space, pair coral blue with peach, soft pink, muted green and pale yellow. Incorporate accents in deep brown to soften out the colors and create a sense of cohesion. You can use hues in the same family but more saturated versions of each to create a space that brings to mind the sea, the sunset or the sunset at sea. When you use coral blue with deep browns, brick red, burnt orange and blue green, you can achieve a decidedly masculine environment. For a room you wish to appeal to both genders, swap out the deep browns with lighter tans or even accents in olive green. Coral blue is similar in appearance to blue green. As such, you can use it in much the same way you would use the jewel-toned color.


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