
Cameo Pink

Cameo pink is a light but saturated pink recalling the inside of conch shells. It is fresh and delicate, yet it is not quite innocent. It has a promise of hidden depths. This color is pretty and altogether feminine, yet it looks beautifully sophisticated when paired with black. It also goes well with grey, and men can wear it. This hue softens hard lines, and it is not just for weddings. Cameo pink looks good in interiors—not just in young girls’ rooms, but all over. It creates unexpectedly chic looks entirely suitable for the most adult grownups. For example, create glamour by mixing this hue with leopard prints. This works anywhere, from foyers to bedrooms to living rooms. Add a statement sofa in this hue. Add allure to bedrooms with linens in this color and with animal prints. Pillows in this hue add energy to living spaces, as this color does have the passion of red, but delivers it with understated charm. When using cameo pink to decorate and make a statement, whether on walls or as a furniture accent, keep other furnishings neutral and black, which is its own sort of neutral. This hue goes naturally with cottage-themed décor. When blended with white, it looks sweet and appealing. Be careful, however, about pairing it with too many pastels. This hue needs room to shine.


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