
Blue Steel

Blue steel, a family member of steel blue, is a color that comes from bluing steel in order to protect it from corrosion. The color is somewhat flat and one of the less vivacious shades of blue. It is not uncommon to hear of blue steel referred to as blue gray. The first recorded use of this cool color was in 1817 England. When used with the right colors, such as blush pink, gray, and other neutrals, blue steel can be used to achieve a feminine look that feels right in a living room or bedroom. When you pair the color with metallics, you can transform your space into one that feels dramatic yet sophisticated at the same time. Mix blue steel with metallics in offices, studies, and sitting rooms. Blue steel doesn't have to be dramatic or girly. With the right accents, many of which are natural, you can create a homey, inviting space that is reminiscent of a farmhouse dining room. To achieve this look, paint a single wall or large unit blue steel and complement it with natural hardwood floors, rustic furniture, and unassuming chandeliers of gold, brush nickel, or even brass. If you want a simpler, more modern space, pair blue steel with stark white and silver finishes. Blue steel is a versatile color that looks great in all spaces.


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