
Antique Gold

Antique gold is a dark yellow, recalling a patina on aged metal of the same name. Generally this hue ranges from light olive to dark yellow orange, sometimes being interpreted as a light olive brown. It speaks of opulence and wealth, of established luxury. Think of Versailles, of rich cathedral interiors, of chateaux and castles, and you have the feeling this hue captures. Antique gold adds richness to any interior, any room. Add it with picture frames, clocks, candle holders, ceiling fixtures, and wall sconces. Paint in this color, when used to artfully gild furniture, adds extravagance anywhere. Swipe it on legs of tables, chairs, and sofas, and use it on the edges and trim of bureaus and chests for a feeling of sumptuousness. This color looks lovely on white furniture. Add red upholstered pieces for classic French ambience. This hue also mixes well with dark brown. This color also is interpreted in fabrics, which lend the same wealthy, sophisticated air to surroundings. Try adding throws, blankets, and pillows to rooms, especially in shiny fabrics of this hue. For a striking focal point, add a sofa in this color, especially if it is reminiscent of Louis XIV French style. Antique gold is rich, opulent, and luxurious. Whether used in paint or fabric, this color gives rooms a sumptuous look and feel that is irresistible.


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