
Powder Pink

Powder pink is delicate and precious, like the softest powder puff. It exudes a gentle, barely-there glow. The color pink has many variations, but this subtle, tender hue is one of the most likeable, and it is easy to live with. Perhaps that is why interior decorators have loved it for centuries, from the halls of Versailles to modern interiors. Paint nursery walls this color to lovingly welcome a baby girl home. Keep in mind, too, that powder pink can be a neutral when combined with off-white. This color, when used in luxe materials such as velvet and marble, is chic and sexy. Pair it with black and white for a sophisticated, elegant effect. In interior design, this tender tone can be incorporated into every room in various ways. Foyer walls painted this color can deliver an exhilarating, interesting greeting. In powder rooms, closets, and dressing areas, this hue offers flattering and subtle warmth for skin tones. In kitchens, however, use this color carefully, adding it with towels and fresh flowers. If it is a favorite shade of yours, consider adding it to the inside of cabinets and drawers. In fashion, powder pink has a gentle, almost vintage feel to it. Think smart pillbox hats and crepe suits. Accessorize it with black for a put-together, nearly sweet look that has a sophisticated edge.


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