

Maroon is a deep, rich reddish-brown color named after the French word for chestnut (marron). Because of its stately, regal appeal, maroon is often chosen as a signature color for corporations, universities, government agencies, religious institutions and sports teams. If you love to decorate your home with dark hues, maroon is an unexpected choice that can make a significant impact. Consider pairing the deep red with gold accents for a rich autumnal theme. If you want to add neutrals, go for chocolate brown, camel and cream. This is a classic look that adds sophistication and class to any space. Colors that are across from one another on the color wheel, called complementary colors, can be paired for a vibrant, dynamic effect. Maroon’s complementary hue is a deep teal tone. The dramatic appearance of maroon calls to mind intensity, passion, ambition, courage and creativity. This makes maroon a great color for that silk shell to pair with your favorite suit when you want to portray competency and control during an important meeting or job interview. Up the ante on any look with a swipe of maroon lipstick.


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