

Azure is the color of a cloudless sky, located between blue and cyan on the color wheel. Azure is the color used to create all colors on a computer screen or television screen, which can be done by adding a green light to the blue light. Though not a natural color, azure gets its name from the intense blue stone, lapis lazuli. Because azure is essentially the color of a cloudless sky, it pairs well with most other colors found in nature. Just as a bright blue backdrop looks great against everything from a rainforest to ocean to cityscape foreground, so too does azure serve as a perfect base for so many color palettes. When you pair azure with bright reds and warm yellows, you can recreate the feeling of a long summer day of eating popsicles and watermelon. Pair the color with dark and pale blues, browns and gray, you can almost visualize a river running through a rocky canyon. Use azure with black, browns and creams to evoke the feeling of a frosty winter morning. You can use azure throughout your home for consistency. Azure makes the greatest impact when used as an accent color. For instance, an azure coffee table in the living room draws the eye, while an azure accent wall in the bedroom provides for a stunning backdrop.


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