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Brochure Templates

Make brochures that people will remember with Shutterstock's tools and brochure templates, tailor-made for informative and actionable content.

How to Make Your Own DIY Greeting Cards
How to make a brochure
  1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor.
  2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library.
  3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else.
  4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Gorgeous book covers are just a few clicks away
Why make brochures with Shutterstock Create?
Showcase your brand, sell your product, or promote your next event with creativity and ease — our brochure maker and free brochure templates help you do all of the above. Choose from millions (seriously) of stock images and thousands of graphics, fonts, & effects. The best part? Customize 'em however you want. There's never been a better way to make marketing collateral, raise brand awareness, and create content that sells.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work. Win-win. Design with purpose and poise, every single time.

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching brochures

How to Make a Trifold Brochure to Get Your Message Across

How to Make a Trifold Brochure to Get Your Message Across

Wondering how to make trifold brochures? Check out 15+ trifold brochure design templates and learn how to customize your own quickly.

27 Birthday Cards Ideas to Try at Home

How to Make a Brochure

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a stellar brochure for your business. Our mission, which we have accepted, is to show you how. Take a peek.

10 DIY Birthday Card Ideas to Try at Home

What to Include in Your Company Brochure

Struggling to decide on what to put in your business's brochure? Get the details on what to include from most important to "Eh, if you have extra space." We cover it all piece by piece.

Create makes it easier than ever to bring your postcard ideas to life. What's that—short on ideas? No worries! Recharge your creative batteries with these inspiring examples.

Which of These Six Brochure Fold Types is Right for Your Business?

In a world of endless options, brochures are no different. Take a look at these six brochure types and let us help you decide which one to use for your company.

Frequently asked questions about brochures

What does "brochure" mean?

A brochure is a small book or magazine that contains pictures and information about a product, service, or business. And yeah, we know what you're thinking — people still use brochures? Ohhhhh yes. Brochures do still exist beyond Florida hotel lobbies and 2000s movies about college. Whether you choose to make a paper or digital brochure, they're a super powerful marketing tool. Put out the good word about your business in a format that allows for visual creativity and forces you to be concise in what you say and how you say it. Building a presentation or lecture? Create an educational brochure so attendees have something tangible, informative, and memorable to take home.

How do I fold a brochure?

We promise you didn't need to pass math in order to master proper brochure folding techniques. But first, what kind of brochure do you want? How to fold a brochure depends on answering that question. If you want a bifold brochure, then you'd fold it in half like a book. Divide a trifold brochure into thirds, folding the right side into the left side like an accordion. Then there are z-fold brochures — these open in the opposite direction they close from. Note that neither trifolds or z-folds need to be folded equally, even though most brochure creators do so.

How do I print a brochure?

You can print a brochure yourself, or send to a professional print shop. If printing yourself, make sure to buy some quality paper beforehand (with a matte or gloss)...a bit more elegant than your average printing paper. Of course, a professional print shop will also get the job done right and be able to assist with any questions you have. This can be costly, though, especially if printing hundreds or thousands of brochures. If you do send to a print shop, make sure to also account for bleed space. Since printers can't print to the exact edge of a document, keeping your design elements away from the edges will ensure that nothing gets cut off when printing. 1/8" on each side of your brochure design should do the trick.

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