

The deep, rich yellow of gold has a number of lofty connotations, including wealth, prosperity, victory, and success. The color can be warm and sunny when incorporated in fashion and home decor, or used sparingly as a precious metal to convey sophistication and gravitas. Warm, metallic gold accents work with most color palettes. Combine it with deep neutrals and jewel tones, such as sunset orange and vibrant turquoise, for a dramatic effect. When pairing this metallic with white, choose a deeper shade rather than a light color that will become invisible. Analogous colors, including reds, oranges, and yellows, can be used together for a cohesive palette in one room or throughout the home. For a modern take on gold, pair it with complementary colors like cobalt, emerald, and indigo. The best neutrals for this metallic are those with warm undertones. Think chocolate brown, olive green, and charcoal. Wearing this color is sure to get you noticed. While mixing gold and silver jewelry was once a no-go, today it looks modern and eclectic for a boho vibe. Try choosing one statement piece, like a chunky cocktail ring, drop earrings, or a stack of intricate bangles. Ready to get bold? Add one metallic piece to an otherwise all-black outfit. Pants, a bomber jacket, or a pencil skirt are all amazing choices that look trendy but not overplayed.


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