
Dark Seafoam Green

Dark seafoam green is a saturated blend of green and blue that is deeply soothing. It has more depth and less white than lighter interpretations of this blend. It creates a soft atmosphere, a relaxing sanctuary, and a winsome retreat in every room in the house. This color is a natural for bathrooms and bedrooms. Dark seafoam green looks lovely with other shades of green and a range of soft blues. It shines when paired with white, and gray is a great-looking neutral to mix with it. In the bath or powder room, add towels, rugs, and candles in this hue. For bedrooms, mix and match it with white, cream, beige, and blue. This hue works with almost any type of décor. It is perfect for the cottage look. Dark seafoam green walls, beadboard, throws, and blankets look beautiful with fabrics in stripes, plaids, and florals. However, this color also works with modern, minimalist decorating themes. It adds gentle warmth to all white kitchens, for example, and it softens black without minimizing the striking effect. Dark seafoam green is a lovely, light way to pull together any room. It adds irresistible softness to all types of looks, from charming cottage rooms to shrines of modern minimalism. This hue speaks of peace and gentleness. It is appealingly easy to live with over time.


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